Wired That Way Personality Portfolio (Original edition)


A complete overview on the teaching on the Personalities in a quick review format. Original edition.

SKU: PP301 CLASS Category:


Imagine having a complete overview on the teaching on the Personalities at your fingertips! Now you can. The Wired That Way Personality Portfolio is designed for those who prefer their information in a quick review format and/or for those who need teaching aids on The Personalities. The glossy white portfolio’s graphics coordinate with all Wired That Way collection and will consist of one Wired That Way Personality Profile and ten different self-explanatory worksheets–each addressing a different aspect of The Personalities. The worksheets are full color and include topics such as: How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself; Piecing Together the Personalities in Your Workplace; Quick Tips for Bringing Out the Plus In Your Personality; Emotional Needs and Fears; Spiritual Variations of the Personalities; and Understanding Children’s Personality–sold as a complete set. Individual worksheets are also available. Please call for additional information on quantity discounts.


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