Wired That Way

An entertaining introduction to The Personalities
I am excited to announce that a new recording has been added to the “Free Resources” section of ThePersonalities.com.
This stand-up style introduction to The Personalities was recorded years ago. As you will hear in my opening comments, I was offered an opportunity, last-minute, to fill as the opening speaker at a major Christian women’s conference. The stand-up comedian who had been scheduled, canceled. The meeting planner was in a panic. Thousands of women would be there expecting a rousing start to the weekend conference. I was called. While I am not a stand-up comedian, using the context of The Personalities, I can be pretty funny. That was good enough.
So, a private plane was sent to get me to the location between other bookings. The timeframe had to be followed exactly. I was introduced and stepped out onto the stage and into the bright lights. It all worked!
We have never sold this recording. Back in the pre-internet world, when people called the 800 number to register for seminars or order resources, it was what we played on the hold button. When we’d pick up the phone, callers would often say: “Wait! Put me back on hold. I need to hear the end of that story.”
Times changed. People no longer call to order. We no longer have an office or staff. The recording was forgotten.
Then in December 2020, my longtime friend, Christine Sneeringer came to Lubbock to visit. One of the many interesting things about Christine is that she is a stand-up comedian. While she was in town, I asked her to do a comedy brunch at a friend’s home. About 20 of us gathered and Christine was a hit.
Listening to Christine, reminded me of the time when I’d been hired to fill in for a comedian. Miraculously, I was able to put my hands on the one and only CD of my stand-up style introduction to The Personalities. It took time to get it digitized, get an opening and closing added to it, and have it posted on ThePersonalities.com. But it is there now! I hope you will listen to it. When you do, you will hear me reference a handout. Since I’d be speaking so rapidly, I had to offer something to give the audience additional information. I created the graphic above so listeners can follow along—though it is in no way a comprehensive treatment of the subject.
We do have a series of helpful handouts available as The Personality Portfolio. Additionally, the Wired That Way book offers the most thorough content.
For those who know me today, you will hear me reference my husband, Chuck. He is not the Chuck I am married to today—though they do have many similarities. (Yes, I’ve had two husbands, both named Chuck.) If you haven’t read my story, please check it out here.
This recording is an entertaining introduction to The Personalities. I hope it makes you want to learn more!